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Forward Together
Many of us have our own unique St. Catherine Story, and there are countless reasons to support the St. Catherine School Tiger Fund. Whether you contribute because you have children currently attending St. Catherine and want to meet your family's financial commitment, wish to support financial assistance and teacher retention, or understand that each generation benefits from the foundation laid by those before them, your support is invaluable. Your annual giving ensures that all St. Catherine Tigers can move Forward Together.
​Tuition alone doesn't cover the cost of the excellent education our students receive.
Our Tiger Fund goal for the 2024-25 school year is $75,000 and 100% participation by all school families. Remember, participation in the Annual Tiger Fund is part of the school contract signed by all school families. No gift is too small, and all contributions are 100% tax deductible.
Donations can be made through the Finalsite Parent Portal by filling out the form below, by credit card here, or by the Parish OSV (Our Sunday Visitor). Please fill out the pledge form below to indicate how you will give this year.
Annual Fund Giving Levels
St. Catherine of Siena Circle $10,000 +
Principal Circle $5,000 - $9999
Tiger Circle $1,000 - $4,999
Gold Circle $500 -$999
Maroon circle $250 - $499
Friends of STC up to $249
Please remember to look into a matching gift from your company and watch your dollars double, even triple! View our Matching Funds Guide here.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

The Kuder Family is our 2024 Tiger Fund Campaign Leaders.
Forward Together!
Hear the ROAR!
To our fellow St. Catherine parents and families,
We have been blessed to be part of the St. Catherine community since moving to the Maple Leaf neighborhood 12 years ago and stumbling upon the closest Catholic church. While location brought us in, the spirit and connection of the St. C’s community is what has made St. Catherine’s feel like home. Over the past seven years, our daughters Lily (6th grade) and Annie (5th grade) have thrived as students at St. Catherine, where we are continuously impressed with the knowledge and dedication of our amazing faculty and staff. Never ones to shy away from a new challenge or activity, we’ve also seen first-hand the breadth of opportunities provided to students; from diverse math programs, hands-on STEM learning, SEL, drama, band -- the list goes on, and we’ve probably tried them all.
We believe wholeheartedly that the care and community that comes from a small faith-based school has been a main factor in our daughters’ growth both as inquisitive learners and engaged citizens. We also recognize the challenges a small community has in a big city. As members of the finance council over the past few years, we have had a front row seat to the challenges that come along with well-loved facilities, ever changing educational and technological demands, and an endless wish list of school enhancements.
In our time at St. Catherine, we have also seen how well our fellow parents and parishioners have continuously answered the call to support the needs of the school, and we have no doubt that we will continue to see our community’s generosity through this year’s annual Tiger Fund campaign. Tuition alone cannot cover the cost of the amazing educational opportunities our students receive every day at St. Catherine’s, and it takes an investment from each and every one of us to continue to move forward together.
Thank you for your continued support.
Tom & Cyndi Kuder