Fifth Grade
5th grade is an extremely important time for students to cement the skills they have gained throughout the lower grades and lay a solid foundation for the years ahead. In short, this year is all about helping students practice, refine, and grow their skills. Students build on what they learned in 4th grade by analyzing material in deeper ways, and write structured, clear, and detailed pieces about a variety of subjects. They are encouraged and expected to be more independent in their learning. We establish and maintain a caring community environment. We adhere to and teach priority standards as per Washington State and offer multiple methods of instruction.
Learning Highlights
Students team with younger students for fun activities and friendship in our Reading Buddy Program.
Fifth graders who are ready for extension opportunities “walk” to math with our 6th graders.
Curriculum Overview
5 paragraph essays:
- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting point of view with reasons and information.
- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
Reading/Novel Studies
First Trimester (September - November) : Earthquake Terror by Peg Kehret, Realistic Fiction
Second Trimester: (November - March): Kids at Work by Russell Freedman, Biography
Third Trimester: (April - June): City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, Science Fiction
Unit 1: Place Value, Adding and Subtracting Decimals, Multiplying Whole Numbers (September- November)
Unit 2: Dividing by 1-digit divisors, Dividing by 2-digit divisors, Multiplying Decimals (December- January)
Unit 3: Adding and Subtracting Decimals, Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers, and Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (January- April)
Unit 4: Numerical Expressions, Patterns, and Relationships, Volume of Solids, Units of Measure, Data, Classifying Plane Figures, and Coordinate Geometry (May-June)
Social Studies
Unit 1: The Ancient Americas
Unit 2: Explorations and Encounters
Unit 3: Our Colonial Heritage
Unit 4: The American Revolution
Unit 5: The New Nation
Unit 6: Our Nation Grows
Unit 7: War Divides the Nation
Unit 8: Americas, Then and Now
Unit 1: Web of Life: Ecosystems and the Food Web
Unit 2: Watery Planet: Water Cycle and Earth’s Systems
Unit 3: Spaceship Earth: Stars, Moon, Sun and Planets
Unit 4: Chemical Reactions: Chemical Magic and Properties of Matter
The seven sacraments
Textbook covers all the standards set by the Archdiocese
Prayers: four prayers to learn
Participating in mass as a class
Class discussions and activities
Music twice a week
PE twice a week
Art once a week
Library once a week
Social emotional learning with our school counselor